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119 km - Altitude gain 3000mt


Morbegno -

Passo dello Stelvio

Friday 14  June 2023 119km Altitude gain 3000mt

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This demanding high mountain stage will draw up the first, and potentially final, draft of the overall standing. Starting in Morbegno, the route runs along the Adda up to Sondrio, and then follows the scenic road through iconic sites for cycling, such as Poggiridenti. After passing through Teglio (the town after which the valley is named), the route continues uphill through Tirano, Mazzo di Valtellina and Valdisotto all the way to Bormio. The closing climb ascends for 22 km via over 30 hairpins, with an average 7% gradient.
Final kilometres
The final kilometres rise steeply in hairpins, with gradients constantly around 9%.

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final kilometres

itinerary timetable

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tourist info

Host city:




Morbegno (Murbegn in the local vernacular) falls within the province of Sondrio.

Palazzo Malacrida, referred to as ‘the most beautiful Venetian palace outside Venice’, stands as the symbol of the town. It is one of the most remarkable noble mansions of the Valtellina, with its stunning cycles of paintings.

San Giovanni Battista, with a façade reminiscent of other major Roman Baroque churches, is one of the most beautiful sights. The Santuario dell’Assunta is a gem of Renaissance art with Baroque interiors, nestled amid the Alps.

Speciality food

Traditional culinary specialties include carcent (a doughnut shaped bread with turnips), pizzoccheri della Valtellina, and pan de mej (cornmeal cookies), best paired with a rich Sforzato (Sfursat) di Valtellina, made from Nebbiolo grapes.

Passo dello Stelvio


Rising 2,758 metres above sea level, the Passo dello Stelvio is a world-famous mountain pass of the Rhaetian Alps, within the Ortler Alps.

The stunning and well-maintained road to the Stelvio is a brace of 88 hairpins.

Many hiking trails depart from the pass, including one that leads to the Cima Garibaldi.

The Passo dello Stelvio is the only place in Italy where skiing is also possible in the summertime, and it is one of the most iconic locations for cycling.

Speciality food

Traditional local specialties include Bresaola della Valtellina Igp, Baccalà alla trentina, Ravioli della Val Pusteria and Strudel, paired with fine Chiavennasca wines or sparkling Franciacorta wines.

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